Tuesday, 02 October 2018 14:49
Newsletter National Dutch Towing Museum, June 2018
In this newsletter you find information about the following subjects: The preface of this newsletter has been written for the first time by the new chairman of the National Dutch Towage Museum, mr. Kees van Essen, who is the successor of mr. Karel Kaffa. In this document he introduces himself in more detail. At the same time, we welcome our new financial manager, mr. Martin Boekestijn. He also shows an insight in his credentials. Apart from these two gentlemen, the Museum is happy to announce that another two persons volunteered for our institute, Paul Firet and Aart van Eijsden. In…
Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:13
Newsletter National Dutch Towing Museum, September 2017
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated September 2017 is published! If you would like to receive the news bulletins directly on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter. Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only. If you are especially interested in a particular item, please contact us and we will inform you more thoroughly. In short the main contents of this newsletter are: We had to wait a long time for this newsletter to be published, but in the end we succeeded…
Sunday, 24 April 2016 21:12
Newsletter National Dutch Towage Museum April 2016
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated April 2016 is published! You will find the newsletter in the News category in this website, from where you can download this document, and on Facebook. If you would like to receive the news bulletins directly on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter. The newsletter is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October.Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only. If you are really interested in a particular item, please contact us and we will…
Thursday, 25 February 2016 23:04
Newsletter National Dutch Towage Museum January 2016
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated January 2016 is published!\r\nYou will find the newsletter in the News category in this website, from where you can download this document, and on Facebook. If you would like to receive the news bulletins directly on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter.The newsletter is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October.Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only. If you are really interested in a particular item, please contact us and we will inform you more…
Thursday, 15 October 2015 14:44
Newsletter National Dutch Towage Museum October 2015
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated October 2015 is published!\r\nYou will find the newsletter in the News category in this website, from where you can download this document, and on Facebook. If you would like to receive the news bulletins directly on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter.The newsletter is published once per quarter, in January, April, July and October.Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only. If you are really interested in a particular item, please contact us and we will…
Tuesday, 28 July 2015 11:49
Newsletter National Dutch Towage Museum July 2015
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated July 2015 is published!\r\nYou will find the newsletter in the News category in this website, from where you can download this document, and on Facebook. If you would like to receive the news bulletins on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter.The newsletter is published once per quarter, in January, April, July and October.Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only.\r\nThis bulletin contains:\r\n- preface from the chairman- short history of Dutch towage- the McElroy Chart of Codes…
Wednesday, 21 January 2015 11:40
Newsletter National Dutch Towage Museum January 2015
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated January 2015 is published!\r\nThis bulletin contains:\r\n- preface from the chairman- donor's day- the well known traditional "allemansend"- information about the progress in making the promotion film and the volunteer's film- the move of the central IT server of the museum- the new links to facebook and twitter- the new logo of the museum- the new exhibition about towage company Kotug- the new gain for the museum of the model of the Shell tug PASSAAT\r\nPlease press the blue button to download the newsletter. Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language…
Sunday, 21 September 2014 12:49
Newsletter National Towage Museum September 2014
The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated September 2014 is published!\r\nThis bulletin contains:\r\n- the resign of our expert Nico Ouwehand- the status of the movement of the old archives of the museum- the acquisition of the model of the tug ZEELAND- digitizing the photo collection of the museum- lighting of the the open-work model of the tug NOORDZEE- the announcement of the so called Allemansend in december 2014\r\nPlease press the blue button to download the newsletter. Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only.\r\n
Thursday, 08 May 2014 00:42
Newsletter National Towage Museum April 2014
The newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated April 2014 contains:\r\n- Newly decorated and furnished "burgomaster's" hall with round table and film system- Announcement of a renewed website of the National Towage Museum- Improved high definition camera for the webcam of the museum- Donation of two beautiful watercolour paintings of naval painter Ad Oudes for the National Towage Museum- The movement of scattered archives of the museum to one efficient space at Dukdalf's- New exposition "145 years Maassluis towage harbour" to be opened May 15th as part of the festivities within the context of "400 years Maassluis independent"\r\nPlease press the…
Wednesday, 07 May 2014 13:36
Newsletters National Towage Museum 2013
This is a summary of the subjects in the newsletters of March, July and November 2013.\r\nThese bulletins contain:\r\n- Exposition "Out of the Shadows" about the varied and specialistic services at sea in modern times with up-to-date multifunctional tugboats and workboats.- An overview of the new "sea hall" with the splendid big wall show case.- Announcement of the introduction of the new knowledge base "Visitors Information System", that contains all basic information, photographs and video's about the tug models in the museum- Announcement of the introduction of a new digital multiple choice system with which young visitors are challenged to test…